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The Value of General Education

The General Education program at Brigham Young University helps students gain an understanding of the world, build character, and “seek learning, even by study and also by faith” (D&C 88:118). Faculty members provide students with a broad-based understanding of the sciences, cultures, and societies that, together with their majors and religious education classes, help students become engaged and compassionate citizens able to navigate complexity, diversity, and change so they might improve the moral, social, and ecological environments in which they and their families live.

Program Learning Outcomes

Gospel Insights

Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to relate General Education core concepts to the restored gospel.


Students will be able to communicate effectively with diverse audiences using written, oral, visual, and digital media.

Life-long Learning

Students will be able to demonstrate that they have the skills to continue learning throughout their lives.


Students will be able to demonstrate foundational knowledge and skills in the methods of investigating, expressing, and evaluating concepts in the the arts, history, humanities and languages, natural sciences and mathematics, and social sciences.

Sound Thinking and Problem Solving

Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to develop a defensible solution to a problem, evaluate their own and others' strengths and weaknesses of ideas/ arguments, and demonstrate the ability to address conflicting perspectives.


Students will be able to describe important ideas in their own cultural tradition, cultural traditions of others, and cultural traditions from the various perspectives of the General Education disciplines.


2X2X2 Response
Historical Games
Happiest Assignment
Me in 5 Sentences
Theatre as a Pedagogical Tool
Jon Ostenson, English, tells us about his 2x2x2 response activity!

Keith Lawrence, English, leads learning through "Historical Games".

Cristie Charles, English, inquires about student experiences in "The Happiest Assignment on the Planet!"

Cynthia Hallen, Linguistics, uses Learning Suite tools in the "Me in Five Sentences" activity.

Anna-Lisa Halling, Spanish & Portuguese engages all aspects of theater - her students become what they read!