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Who can direct?

Who can direct a SAGE program?

All full-time faculty with CFS are eligible to apply to direct a SAGE program but applicants must meet certain qualifications. Faculty applicants must have:

  • Continuing Faculty Status;
  • an established record of excellent teaching;
  • the expertise to teach relevant GE classes;
  • the ability to help students develop intercultural competencies (linguistic proficiency or familiarity with the culture is preferred);
  • support from home department chair and dean.

Typically, fall and winter SAGE programs have two co-directors. Spring or summer programs may be directed by one faculty. (For London, we always expect there to be two directors.) The two faculty are generally not from the same department or discipline. This is preferred in order to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and engagement. Generally, at least one of the co-directors has experience directing a study abroad program. The SAGE committee can assist faculty members find co-applicants if they do not already have someone to work with.

If you feel you meet the criteria above, we encourage you to fill out this linked form to notify the SAGE committee of your interest. You will then be contacted about upcoming events that will help you develop a strong proposal. The deadline to inform the SAGE committee of interest is 1 October for programs leaving 2025 and 2026. Email the committee at for more information.