On January 11, Elder Kim B. Clark, a general authority emeritus and professor at the Brigham Young University Marriott School of Business, spoke at the Inspiring Teaching Series: Gospel Methodology in the Classroom, which is sponsored by General Education. Clark presented on “Teaching Leadership and the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” focusing on how gospel principles, such as agency and accountability, can be applied to real-life situations.

Clark teaches a course on Christ-centered leadership for MBA Students at the BYU Marriott. During the workshop, Clark led a discussion for faculty members similar to his student lectures. He teaches by focusing on a gospel principle, then providing a real business case study to learn how to put the principle into practice.
During the seminar, Clark used the scriptures to demonstrate that Jesus Christ is our great example of accountability, and discussed how we can follow His example. He taught faculty about what he calls the three stages of the development of personal accountability. First, we are unavoidably accountable for our actions before the Lord. Second, we should feel accountable to the Lord because of our love for Him. Third, we should each become an accountable person, making it a part of our identity.
Faculty then discussed and debated the “Rob Parson” case study, a prominent case study in the business world, as an example of agency and accountability at work. Rob Parson, while adept at generating revenue in the investment banking world, treated his co-workers poorly. Parson’s first supervisor did not guide him or hold him accountable for his actions, but his second supervisor did both. As a result, Parson’s professional relationships improved and his financial success increased. We can learn from this that people are unlikely to improve their behavior unless they are expected to answer for their actions, and that those in leadership roles have an opportunity and responsibility to emulate the Savior in guiding those they lead.

Clark explained during the seminar how he hopes by participating in these discussions, his students can learn a principle of the gospel “. . . has real power in every setting we’re in.” He added, “. . . whenever you act according to truth, power flows into your life.”
To end the seminar, Clark shared some of his strategies for teaching the gospel in the classroom. These strategies include living his life so the Holy Ghost can be with him as he teaches, loving and caring for his students, seeking revelation about what gospel principles to weave into his class, and bearing witness of the Savior and His gospel. He testified each BYU faculty member is here at this time for a purpose, and through hard work, each can educate their students better than ever before, both in scholarship and in faith.
For more insight on teaching gospel principles and applying them in your teaching, watch the full workshop below.