A: A bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University consists of the core (general education and religious education) and the major. These complement each other and ideally are integrated throughout your journey to obtain a bachelor’s degree. The general education curriculum provides the skills and knowledge derived from a robust broad-based education and equips you with competencies that provide versatility in employment and a foundation for life-long learning and service.
Q: Where can I find out about the GE requirements at BYU?
A: The complete description of GE requirements can be found in the BYU course catalog.
Q: Where can I receive advisement on how to navigate the BYU GE program?
A: College advisement centers together with the University Advisement Center (2500 WSC) provide assistance with registration, graduation requirements, policies and procedures, fields of study, changes of major, and many other aspects of academic life.
Q: How can I see GE requirements I fulfill?
A: You can access a progress report through MyMAP. This report will generate a personalized list of GE requirements completed.
Q: Can I fulfill GE requirements by taking BYU Online classes?
A: Absolutely! BYU Online classes are a great way to fit GE classes into a busy schedule.
Q: Will a course completed at another university fulfill BYU GE requirements?
A: In some cases, yes. Contact BYU Enrollment Services at 801-422-4104 or visit the Enrollment Services website. They can help you review your transcript and determine transfer credit fulfillment of GE requirements.
Q: Will a study abroad course fulfill BYU GE requirements?
A: The only courses that fulfill GE requirements are those listed in the BYU catalog as GE approved courses. You can consult with your college academic advisor or the study abroad program director for clarification about which courses are designated for GE credit.
Q: Can I submit a petition to appeal a course for GE substitution?
A: Yes. Rare circumstances do arise. You can submit an appeal at gesub.byu.edu.
Q: How long does it take to receive a decision on an appeal?
A: A final decision will be emailed to you within two to three weeks.
Q: What should I do if an approved course substitution is not reflected on my transcript?
Q: I am about to graduate and realize I am short a GE requirement. What should I do?
A: Talk to an academic advisor in your college advisement office. They can help you see what options are available to you.
Q: Can I substitute classes in the religion core?
A: For questions about religious education classes and requirements, contact Religious Education.
Q: I am the parent of a missionary. Can I register in my child’s behalf?
A: If your child is unable to register for classes, you may schedule an appointment with an academic advisor in your student’s home college or, if they have not yet chosen a major, with University Advisement Center. Advisors can assist you with student registration instructions.
Q: Does my AP credit/IB exam fulfill GE requirements?
A: To learn more, visit the AP and IB exam guides at BYU Enrollment Services or call 801-422-4104.
Q: I took a language challenge exam. Does any of that credit meet GE requirements?
A: Credit earned through a challenge exam does not itself satisfy GE requirements. In some cases, the class required to take the challenge exam may meet a GE requirement. Check approved GE course lists to see if any given class fulfills GE requirements.
Q: Where can I get more information about joining a National Honor Society?