Embracing the Risk of Relationship Skip to main content

Embracing the Risk of Relationship

On February 1, Richard Swan and Michael Johnson, consultants for the BYU Center for Teaching and Learning, led a discussion at the Inspiring Teaching Series: Gospel Methodology in the Classroom sponsored by General Education. Swan and Johnson spoke on how “embracing the risk of relationship” can help Brigham Young University professors have a positive impact on their students’ lives.

Swan and Johnson shared external research demonstrating a teacher’s attitude is the most significant factor in a student’s motivation. They emphasized following the first and second great commandments to love God and love one’s neighbor, which includes caring for students, is key to having a positive impact on students’ lives.

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Richard Swan presenting at the Inspiring Teaching Series: Gospel Methodology in the Classroom sponsored by General Education.

They also shared survey results from BYU students, who were asked to rate the most important things their professors had done to make their experience spiritually strengthening and intellectually enlarging. The three most significant factors were:

1. Showing belief in students’ potential
2. Being authentic and genuine
3. Being a role model of living the gospel

Supported by teachings from members of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Swan and Johnson encouraged faculty members to help their students consider who they really are and who they want to become. The presenters reiterated a charge from President Worthen for all faculty, staff, and administrators to be “disciples of Jesus Christ, motivated by love of God and of His children to bring others to Christ, who is the one true source of all light.”

To highlight what can come of more personal dedication to Christ, Swan and Johnson also shared a clip from a recent campus forum given by Ari Berman, President of Yeshiva University in New York City, who explains the give and take of a covenant relationship with God. He underscores that although this
covenant relationship entails risk, including vulnerability, if that risk is accepted, the result can be transformational. Faculty present for the discussion learned that embracing the risk of relationship, caring for students, and focusing on love for God can help professors have a life-changing impact on those they teach.

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Michael Johnson presenting at the Inspiring Teaching Series: Gospel Methodology in the Classroom sponsored by General Education.

Review Swan and Johnson’s presentation to learn more about enhancing the student experience and helping them achieve their full potential.

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